Case study

Aid & Relief Operations

Splashdowns vacuum toilet system , showers and handwash is used by NGOs, government and a variety of other organisations who may need to deploy safe, hygienic toilets in a rapid fashion anywhere in Australia

For these organisations, the call to deploy means time is of the essence. And after the critical first response phase, short-term toilet, shower and drinking water solutions are vital for safety/hygiene and disease control. The significance of good hygiene standards soon becomes evident, and this is where Splashdowns vacuum toilet system can have a great impact. Even on short notice.

Past aid & relief project

Australia has a long history of natural disasters. In the past Splashdown has assisted with equipment organised through a third party (Coates Hire and Black Diamond) and the disaster relief program. This includes assistance with bushfires, floods, storms, landslides and government medical centres.

  • Lismore Floods.
  • Coffs Harbour Floods
  • Casino Floods. (Casino Showground)
  • Ballina Airport
  • Camps at Woodburn, Coraki and Broadwater. RAAF Richmond Barracks
  • Holdsworthy Barracks
  • RFS Narooma Base Camp.
  • RFS Hanging Rock Club, Batemans Bay. NSW Health, Covid Testing Centres. Goverment Correctional centre’s (Bathurst,Lithgow,Oberon and Wallerawang Gas Outage 2022)

Featured Case study

The Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games

Splashdown Queensland (Splashdown) was contracted to supply the toilets, showers, and the water and waste water overlay plumbing infrastructure for the GC2018 competition venues and Commonwealth Games Village. This also involved the management and coordination of waste water collection and its disposal, and water quality management....

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